Mar 08 2011

ENLIGHT Tutorials Now Online

Published by at 5:46 pm under General

There’s good news for new and almost new ENLIGHT users.  A series of 15 training videos is now posted on YouTube.  Previously, most users have relied on the comprehensive ENLIGHT user manual to learn how to access ENLIGHT’s many features.   These videos should make it easier to get up to speed.
Since its release in 2009, ENLIGHT has become the interface of choice for the vast majority of users of Micron Optics sensor interrogation instruments.  ENLIGHT leads the user through an easy transition from the optical parameters (like peaks and FBGs) to calibrated sensor measurements.
Even users who prefer other programming and data analysis environments, like LabVIEW, often choose to use ENLIGHT for basic setup and sensor definition, and then use their custom code to connect to ENLIGHT via the Remote Command Interface.  You’ll find two elements of the video training that focus on specifically on this. 

Enlight Tutorials

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